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■ 경력 및 연수
- 미국 노스웨스턴대·샌디에이고·캘리포니아대 방문 연구

■ 논문

[국외논문] (A case of small-bowel intussusception caused by intestinal lipomatosis: preoperative diagnosis and reduction of intussusception caused by intestinal lipomatosis: preoperative diagnosis and reduction of intussusception with double-balloon enteroscopy) / 2010.06.01

[국외논문] (Effects of sphingolipid synthesis inhibition on cholesterol gallstone formation in C57BL/6J mice)
/ 2010.06.01

[국외논문] (The feasibility and safety of endoscopic resection for benign hypopharyngeal tumors)
/ 2009.05.01
